For several years now, Fleuron has chosen not to participate in Black Friday. This period of excessive consumerism does not align with our values or our vision of thoughtful and responsible shopping. In 2024, we remain committed to this stance.

Instead of joining the frenzy of discounts, we prefer to turn this time into an opportunity to support a cause close to our hearts. From November 29 to December 1, 2024, we will once again donate 10% of all online sales to the Fondation des Femmes.

Thanks to your support over the years, we’ve been able to help fund concrete actions to defend women’s rights and combat violence against women. This partnership reflects our core values: encouraging more mindful purchases, and above all, fostering solidarity.

Every piece you purchase during these three days will not only be a beautiful item but also a direct contribution to a cause that changes lives.

We firmly believe that consuming differently is possible. Thank you for continuing to support a model that combines style, quality, and meaningful commitment.

To learn more or make a direct donation: Fondation des Femmes.